I just bought a new little LUG backpack - now I want to go on a hike. When we were hiking in Jackson Hole this past summer I began to realize that fanny packs are just OUT. If you want to be branded "over the hill" use a fanny pack. So I've been on the lookout for a new backpack to carry my water and m&m's when we go hiking.
Well lucky me, I found a really cute backpack. It's lime green which makes me happy happy. It's the perfect size - not big and bulky, but streamlined and very comfortable. The brand is LUG - you can see their bags all over the internet, but this page shows almost every product. When I found the backpack I kept searching the Lug display for a little cosmetic bag to put little things in like chapstick and spare contacts, but could find nothing. Later when I took out the stuffing paper, there in the bottom of my new backpack was a perfect little cosmetic bag. It came with it and I didn't even know! What a bonus.
I'm also in love with the brown bag - it looks like a perfect size to carry on an airplane. I always take my rolling carry-on suitcase and a bigger bag for magazines, m&m's and a few essentials. But I also have to have my purse because I get disorganized if I don't have everything just where I can find it. (Once I threw my boarding pass in the garbage and had to dig through the trash can to find it when I realized.) So I have to have everything just so. I stuff my purse inside my bigger travel bag because they're getting so picky about only carrying on two items. Now that purses are getting bigger, I need a bigger travel bag. Anyway I might have to open my Christmas planner and add that bag to my gift list - in the section that says hints for Scott to give me. Might as well get something I want. I'm blabbing I know. Bye.