
[ toNy gRove ]

It was like summer vacation - but just for an afternoon. 

We spent a few nice hours today at Tony Grove Lake in Logan Canyon. It only takes about 45 minutes to get there, and it's so peaceful and beautiful that I always wonder why we don't go more often. The road that climbs from the canyon highway to the lake is seven miles of twists and turns and steep drop offs. By the time you get to Tony Grove, you've reached an altitude of 8,100 feet. There's a (full) parking lot and nice gravel paths. We even discovered picnic tables near the lake to the right of the parking lot. An informational sign says it got its name from wealthy Logan-ites (in the early 1900s) who spent time at the lake in the summers to cool off...they were the "tony" crowd. The dictionary defines tony as 'marked by an elegant or exclusive manner or quality.'


Scott got out his sketch book and made a couple of pencil sketches while I took off for a walk around the lake. After my walk I sat and "people watched." There was one group of about a dozen high school kids who were snorkeling. Yes, snorkeling...with snorkels, masks and fins. We got quite a kick out of watching them because we have never seen snorkeling in a mountain lake. That seems like an ocean thing to do to us. But there they were, plunging into that cold water and floating around looking at the bottom. They said they saw a few fish and lots of vegetation in the very clear water. We also watched people on paddle boards...another seemingly ocean activity. They looked like they were having fun - except for the girl that screamed as she hit  the cold water when she fell off her board. Also criss-crossing the lake were kayaks, boats and rafts. Dozens of people were fishing from the shore. It was a busy day at Tony Grove.

Here's what Scott drew - though this photo doesn't do his sketch justice. The mountain in the background is called Mount Magog. At 9,750 feet, it's one of the highest peaks in the Wasatch range. Scott hiked this mountain with his cousin Craig (years ago).

And this sketch is a big rock next to the water. Scott took a "drawing rocks class" online and has to practice drawing rocks. Good huh?!
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