Each year I'm fascinated by the online
blog response to Ali Edwards' annual announcement of her "One LIttle Word." This is a word that she chooses as a sort of guide for her life for the coming year. I'm delighted with her choice this year: light.
She also invites her blog readers to write their word in the comments of her post and after a few days she compiles the words into a big list for everyone to read. She's also taking the idea a step further and teaching a year-long online
class that includes making a charming scrapbook album/journal on Big Picture Classes. I'm going to sign up for the class because I love the potential of a monthly class that involves introspection combined with scrapping.
I get a kick out of reading the list -it's so fun to read everyone's words and marvel at the variety and diversity. OK, I guess I just plain love words. I have four words that I like for this year and will write about them and my final choice for my "One Little Word" soon. Here's Ali's list - which word would you (or did you) pick?
The 2011 words: Abide Abundance Accept Acceptance Achieve Achievement Act Action Active Allow Anyway Apply Appreciate Art Athlete Attitude Authenticity Awake Aware Awareness Babysteps Badassery Balance Be Beauty Become Begin Believe Belonging Beloved Better Better Blessed Blessing Bliss Bloom Bold Brave Breath Breathe Build Calm Can Capable Capture Care Celebrate Challenge Chance Change Chef Cherish Choice Choices Choose Clarity Clean Cleanse Clear Cliffjumper Colorful Comfort Comfortable Commit Commitment Community Compassion Competent Complete Completion Confidence Connect Connection Conquer Consistency Consistent Content Contentment Control Conviver (Portuguese for live together) Courage Courageous Create Create Joy Creativity Cultivate Dabble Daily Dance Dare De-stress Delcutter Deliberate Delight Detail Details Determination Determined Develop Devote Devotion Diligence DIRECTION Discipline Discover Discovery Do Downsize Dream Drishti (Sanskirt for vision, focus, point of view) Edit Educate Embrace Emerge Encourage Endure Energy Engage Enjoy Enough Enrich Established Esteem Eucharisteo Evanescence Evolve Excel Execute Exemplify Experience Explore Expositus Express Extra Faith Faithful Faithfulness Family Fearless Feast Find Finish Firework Fit Float Flourish Flow Focus Focus Forward Follow Forgive Forward Free Freedom Fresh Frolic Frugal Fun Fundamental Funny Gift Give Go Good Goodness Grace Gratitude Groovy Grow Growth Happiness Happy Harmony Heal Health Healthy Heart Home Honesty Hope Humble Ignite Improve Incarnational Initiate Inspiration Inspire Integrate Intention Intentional Invest Invigorate Involved Iron J.O.Y. Journey Joy Lead Leap Learn Less Let Go Letting Go Light Lighten Listen Live Lose Love Loving Loving-Kindness Luck Magic Make Manage Manifest Marathon Me Merry Mindful Mindfulness Miracle Moment Momentum More More & Less Motivate Motivation Mountain Move Movement Moxie Nest New Normal Notice Nourish Nourishing Nourishment Now Nudge Nurture One Open Openness Opportunity Order Organize Own Pace Participate Passion Patience Pause Peace Perceive Perceptive Persevere Persistent Perspective Plan Plant Play Positive Possibilities Power Practice Pray Prayer Prepare Present Preservation Preserve Prioritize Proactive Produce Progress Promise Prosper Prosperity Prosperous Purpose Purposeful Pursue Push Quench Radical RE Reach Ready Realize Rebuild Receive Recharge Reconnect Recover Rediscover Reduce Refine Reflect Reflection Rejoice Rejuvenate Relationship Relax Release Relish Remade Remember Renaissance Renew Renewal Rescue Resolve Responsibility Responsible Rest Restore Return Revive Revivify Revolution Rhythm Risk Risks Roots Routine Sacrament Sail Satisfy Savor Self-Control Self-evolution Sensitive Serendipity Serenity Servant Serve Share Shift Shine Should Simple Simplicity Simplify Slow Smile Soak In Soar Social Solace Song Soul Space Sparkle Spontaneity Stabilize Start Steady Step Stewardship Stillness Story Strength Strengthen Stretch Strive Strong Surrender Sustain Synergy Take Flight Teach Technology Temple Tenacity Thankful Thrive Tillåt (allow in Swedish) Time Today Together Tranquil Transform Transformation Travel Treasure Tribe True Trust Try Two Unburden Unleashed Verb Vibrant Victory Vitality Wait Walk Warrior Welcome Well Well-being Wellness Whole Wholehearted Willingness Wonder Write Yes Zen.