Well, not to be in a big hurry, but here's my photo album of our decorations from Christmas just passed. :)
My Christmas decorations were up by Dec. 2nd this year - except for the stress-inducing, not-worth-the-trauma fake Christmas tree - but I'm not going to go there. This year, like every year, I tried hard to 'keep it simple.' lol. There are lots of things I love on the old dresser above. Cute frames with photos of my girls and my granddaughters, favorite metal birds and clock, and a vintage-y gold metallic Christmas tree set in a dotted pot.
Yes, I'm a bit of a collector. Above is a portion of my nativity collection. You can see the nativity from Japan and the very pretty Jim Shore set decorated with quilt motifs. In the lower left front corner is a charming little set from France called Santons. The villagers are lined up in a line to see the baby Jesus.
This is the end table in our family room decked with more pictures, three sweet WillieRay figurines, and a couple of glass jars filled with peppermints.
Notice that the tall jar is embellished with Adornit Clear Vinyl Stickers. After liking my jar a lot, I got a few more stickers (I work at Adornit), and I plan to smack them all over stuff all around my house. They add a little touch of cuteness that I love. Sometime SOON I'll do a whole post about these stickers.
I love, love, loved my poinsettias. They were so gorgeous. I usually get straight red, but when the high school cheerleaders called with poinsettias for their fund-raiser, I listened to all the choices and got four red and two 'jingle bell.' (Mainly because I didn't want that enthusiastic cheerleader to think I'm boring.) Well, the pink splotches on the red background made the most beautiful flowers and made me giggle everytime I looked at them. Above and below - my window sill above my kitchen sink. I gathered joy and kept it there to remember while I did dishes. 
Here (hanging over our big map) is the MERRY banner that I made for the Adornit Christmas Blog Party - remember how fun that was - we called it "Make It Merry." I can't believe Christmas has come and gone. There isn't enough time in December to languish in the beauty of everyone and everything striving to be better. If I could have a wish granted, I'd wish for one bubble of a day magically added to each week in December that's an ENJOY day, a JOY day, a stand-back-and-behold-the-wonderment day.