haPpy haLLoweeN
Scott's sister Mary in her Halloween get-up at work.
Except for a bit too much breeze, it’s pretty good Halloween weather today in Cache Valley! There's a little warmth from the sunshine - enough to propel me to the front porch this afternoon to sweep up the dead bugs and crinkled leaves and windex the side windows. I have a "thing" about having a clean front porch (with a doorbell that's not smudged and a door that 's not dirty and steps that are swept and clean). I learned this from a "home-keeping" expert many years ago - your front door and porch are where the first impressions about your home are made. Now I know the kiddies won't be noticing my front door tonight, but I will - and I'll be happy that it's all so tidy.
I bought (only) eight bags of candy for this year’s trick or treaters and I plan to save the Mounds bars for last, then I'll probably get to eat them. I say only eight, because in the years that our children were small and all the children on our street and in the surrounding neighborhoods were of trick or treating age, I had to purchase, like 24 bags of candy. Now we're all old and youngest kids are in college, and we have grandchildren. I hope I get to see some of my neighbors' grandkids tonight. We'll get out our big strobe light that flashes light out of the high windows in our house and we'll be set for whomever rings our bell. I'll find my November Southern Living magazine (always the best) and sit by the front door, waiting for kids to come by. I wish little Emmett could come trick or treating!
Edit add-on - here's a photo of Scott and his office helpers at the office on Friday. Scott wore a costume to work, which shocked everyone. His patients apparently got a real kick out of his pirate costume. All the girls look cute, but Mary (Scott's sister) in her "Queen Bee" costume won the prize. (She always does, Mary's so creative - plus she's a seamstress - she made her bee costume.)
pumpkin image from Martha Stewart of course