Blog Hop Details:
Hey everyone!! I'm INVITING YOU TO PARTICIPATE in the Adornit Blog Hop - you just need to create one little "Christmasey" post showing a handmade holiday creation. That can even include cookies! Here’s how:
1. Add the BLog Party to the sidebar of your blog, so all your blog visitors will know they’re invited too. (For this week, your blog has to be an open blog, not private.)
2. RSVP to georgana@adornit.com with your blog address and contact information asap so that we can arrange the Adornit Blog Hop schedule. Georgana will send you additional details and instructions after she receives your email.
3. Create your Make It Merry handmade project – it can be a layout, card, album, home décor project, gift, or even a recipe – whatever you want to share! Get going! Make something this weekend...you'll love it in December when it's done.
Anyone around the world is invited to participate – the more the merrier!