
Emmett's BiRthDay Bear

I woke up early one morning with the thought, "Emmett needs to go to Build-A-Bear for his birthday. (I guess I had been sleeping with birthday gifts on my mind.) So I sent an invitation to him via email and we were set! We chose a day that Grandpa could come too - a photographer is always good to have along. We had so much fun because it was the first time for all of us to build a bear.

Emmett chose Boba Fett for his bear. He's soft and cuddly yet very cool. Emmett WAS Boba Fett for Halloween last year, so he was super excited to make his favorite character. The clerk was great at promoting the excitement for Boba Fett. The bear got his own tent and a backpack for Emmett to carry him. Oh, and a heartbeat. 

After the bear creating, we ate corndogs and visited the Lego store to look at...what else...Star Wars Legos. Scott is one of the original Star Wars fans. He seriously was first in line in 1977 to see the original movie when most people had never even heard of Star Wars. 

This little girl was so happy throughout the afternoon. She didn't cry for her own bear or fuss about waiting. Her reward was to go to the Mac counter in Nordstrom so Becky's friend could pretty her up with a little makeup.