Summer recap. Memories of Grammy Camp.
All six were here and we had a fun three days. We made cars for what was supposed to be a drive-in movie...though we never got around to the movie part.
Brookie was a good sport and made her own car with leg holes.
Bailee got artistic with hers.
Emmett's the perfect age for box cars. Wait, his was a fire engine.
It's just so fun to drive!
These two year olds are just learning to play together. Suzie fixed their look-alike hair.
Painting birdhouses in the garage.
Cute Sierra came for a manicure/movie night with the big girls. Giggles galore.
Brooke's project was making curly bows for the little girls' hair. (She's cutting the dowels that she wrapped the ribbon around for the curly effect.)
Tiring the kids out at the park is the best way to have a peaceful night.
Carter was a monkey, scrambling up the climbing wall.
The little girls went up and down the slide a hundred times.
Grandpa and Emmett got out the ever-popular stomp rocket.
The perfect toy for little boys...and grandpas get a kick out it too!
Suzie taught a dance from her Las Vegas YW girls. Brookie picked it up and taught it to Sierra. They danced for an hour or more.
Meanwhile Grandpa read the comics to the little ones.
Best part of the day for Grammy. Whew.