
| squash for dinner |

Lots of people are listing what they're grateful for on Facebook, and I'm enjoying and agreeing with their status updates. Today I want to say that I'm grateful for delicious, hot food. I'm grateful for the guys that work in the produce department at Lee's Marketplace where I shop. They cut up the banana squash for their customers, and for that I feel truly blessed. I really hate cutting big, hard stuff like watermelon and pumpkins and squash.

But we love to eat squash with meatloaf or chicken and baked potatoes for Sunday dinner. It's just so good. I unwrap it and cut a thin layer off the edges and scrape the top sixteenth inch off the center. I don't know why - it just seems kind of dry and unsanitary not to. I know it will get sanitized in the oven, but that's my habit. 

I cut it into serving size pieces and place it on a foil or parchment-lined baking sheet and put a dab of butter on top of each piece. Salt and pepper too.

Bake for an hour and serve on a lovely Portmeirion platter so it looks kinda fancy. Yum. (It's what's for dinner.)
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