
- Celebrate America Dinner -

My parents have a tradtion of taking us (their kids and spouses) to "Celebrate America" - a dinner and patriotic show with 40's-style music and dancing. The best part of the evening is watching my mom and dad enjoy the "Glenn Miller" music.

We loved it this year because Gary and Lesa were with us. They're back after their seven years in Japan.

Doug (my wonderful little brother) and Kimberly (also wonderful).

Merilee (my little sister) and Val. Love them so much. 

Mom and Dad looking nice as always.
 Merilee and Dad always jump on the dance floor when the jitterbug starts. 

The USU Ballroom is named for my Dad. This year there is a new plaque with his name and information about him on the plaque. We were excited about it. Dad loved USU, the campus, and students and gave his whole heart and career to the university. 

The write-up is excellent and nicely describes Dad's work and accomplishments,

This picture is to commemorate our 38th anniversary. On September 4, l974, we had our wedding reception in the Taggart Student Center Juniper Lounge. We stood right in front of this rock wall - surrounded by beautiful flowers and candelabras - and greeted a long line of guests. 
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