We survived two weeks of tending grandkids! It was just a coincidence that a chain of watching the kiddies happened over the past two weeks. Some parents were here part of the time, and we all managed to work together to get the job done. Everyone stayed quite happy.
Carter is content with trucks and blocks.
Claire is cute and fine about everything.
Emmett arrived and grandpa took the boys for a bike ride on their little Strider balance bikes.
We met up at Becky's when Aaron and Aimee and the big girls got home and got this precious photo of all six of the grands.
The little nine-month-old cousins that we love so much.
Of course, we're shoppers and we had to shop. This little girl is excited and well trained.
So fun to have these two. However, baby got sick and will probably not look back on Logan with fondness.
This little guy is a bundle of energy.
And love.
And then it was time to say goodbye to the last kid.
Grammy is, well, HAPPY TO BE FREE!!! (No offense, kids.)